Tennessee Honor Vote Program

Dedicate your vote to those who are serving or have served in the U.S. Military

Tennessee Honor Vote

Hamburger, Mr Patrick Douglas

Branch: Army
Rank: Staff Sergeant
Years of Service: 07-28-1998 - 08-06-2011
Patrick Enrolled in the NE Army National Guard at the age of 17. He originally worked in the motor pool.He then went on to Apache School and became a mechanic. He later went to Chinook School. He went Full-time Army Aviation, became a Flight Engineer and had his own crew and Chinook. Upon being deployed to Afghanistan he was pulled from his unit and put with a special group of Army Aviation Men whose job was to get a special group of Rangers and Seal Team in and out of battle, Extortion 17 was shot down killing Pat and everyone on board on 8/6/2011.

Honored by

Douglas Eugene Hamburger
Knoxville, TN